Be sure to tell me if you see any ants.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Untrue webinz rumor

Hi! I have an untrue rumor to post. It is that neopets are attacking webkinz and killing them! This is not true. (it gives me nightmares also) it is said that your webkinz will be found in a pool of blood. THIS IS NOT TRUE!

Your faithful blogger, Poppyhop

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

New lil' kinz

Hi! I have some fantastic news! I got a new lil'kinz! It is a bull frog and it is named Lemonbelly. My grandpa got it for me. He is a very good grandfather!

Your faithful blogger, Poppyhop.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Kiss kiss! Hi this is Poppyhop posting to wish you the most romantic valentines day EVER! My valentine is named Bonedude10 on Club penguin and webkinz.

Love ya all, Poppyhop.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Hi! This is Poppyhop with some GREAT news. I got a new husky dog webkinz named Omri!
Also, they came out with new webkinz. Snouser, Kangaroo, Charcol cat, pink and white cat,and a weird cat that is too fluffy!

your friend, Poppyhop.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Hi! this is Poppyhop posting ONCE AGAIN. DON DON DON DON! Ha ha, anyway, I forgot to tell you something important. I forgot to tell you that I have 4 webkinz! I have had them since Christmas! The first one is Ravenpaw109, as you already know. Ravenpaw109 is a girl black cat. Then there is Donder. Donder is a girl reindeer. After that there is Buster. Buster is a boy dalmatian. Last but not least, there is Slipper. Slipper is a boy seal. Donder and Buster are married! Ravenpaw109 and Slipper are married, too!
Mom teases me and says that Donder looks to "Buck" to be a girl. Moms just don't understand!

Your faithful poster, Poppyhop

.P.S. I forgot to mention that soon I will have a new Webkinz! It will be named Omri and it will be a boy. Omri was my dog's name and he had dominance issues, so we got rid of him. The webkinz will be a husky dog.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Webkinz update

Hi! This is Poppyhop posting again. I have a webkinz update to tell you about.
First, buy a sink. After you have the sink, Place it in a room and walk up to it.
You can brush your pet's teeth, wash their faces, and brush their fur. THIS IS NEAT, SO PLEEEASE TRY IT!

Your faithful poster, Poppyhop