Be sure to tell me if you see any ants.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

First Post

Hi! I'm Poppyhop. Welcome to my blog. This is my first post,so I'm very happy.
If you wonder about my name, I am using my Club Penguin name.
This post is about Club Penguin. It's a tip you will need for a glitch. First, go play Astro
Barrior. Next make it to level 10. When the screen appears saying shoot the orange block,
wait. You will see a blue ship. Shoot the blue ship. You are on secret levels!
Now for the glitch. Get to the screen. Then, shoot the blue ship just as you press enter.
Cool glitch huh?

Bye for now. Poppyhop


Anonymous said...

I think you have a neat blog. I don't belong to Club Penguin , or I would follow your instructions to see if they work. I bet they do. I hope you get more comments. Poppyhop is a cool name. Mine's Froggy. Bye for now.


Anonymous said...

What is this strange language you are speaking? Astro Barriers, glitches, blue all sounds very odd. And what sort of name is Poppyhop? Does your mother know what you are doing?

Anonymous said...

Club penguin, club penguin, club penguin. What is this crazy surreal make-believe society of birds that don't fly but who can apparently ski and wear clothes and make pizzas? Do you know as much about actual penguins as you do about these cartoon pretend penguins? Can you make real pizza?

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie Bug! I think its cool that you have your own blog. Have fun with it!


animal said...

keep the cool gliches coming.!!!!

animal said...

how do you figure out the gliches?

oh i found out a glich go to your igloo and click the edit igloo button.Then go to the piano and click the keys you will fing the oragan.!!!! Very cool.